Le Grand Paris: How does BePark fit into this mobility challenge?

September 30, 2019
  • Our vision of Mobility 
  • Assist developers on parking issues 
  • Examples of problems encountered and solutions provided


Our vision of Mobility

At BePark, we want to create better mobility for everyone, in a world where the movement of people is increasing. 

Our intelligent mobility solutions range from simple temporary subscriptions for renting a parking space, to a personalized experience tailored to the needs of your employees. 

As part of the call for projects for IMGP editions 1 and 2 (Inventons la Métropole du Grand Paris), we were asked to assist property developers on major projects from the tender phase.

IMGP is the largest call for architecture and urban planning projects in Europe. It gathers talented teams to present social, environmental, technological, financial and energy innovation projects.


Assist developers on parking issues

The objective is to guarantee the maximum use of parking lots when these projects get off of the ground (in 4-5 years).

On the two phases of the IMGP competition, we worked on about thirty projects, such as LinkCity, winner of the Rungis Bridge project.

Our current challenge is to collaborate on as many of these projects as possible that can accommodate our parking pooling solution.

BePark transforms parking into a real multimodal mobility center: cars, bicycles, scooters, shared cars, while optimizing it to keep a high occupancy rate and have few holidays (either by reducing the number of spaces or by enhancing vacant spaces).

In addition to the IMGP competition, we assist promoters with other calls for tenders or private projects in Greater Paris.


Examples of problems encountered and solutions provided

Each French city has a Local Urban Plan. Governed by the city hall, it defines the rules indicating which forms the buildings should take, which areas should remain natural, which areas are reserved for future construction or how many parking lots should there be in a building to satisfy its residents. 

1st case

When a Local Urban Plan is too strict, i.e. it imposes a number of places too limited in relation to the needs of each actor in the project, BePark offers its services to pool these places according to the different needs of each user, as was the case for our partners Bouygues immobilier and Kaufman & Broad. 

For example, a project that involves parking spaces for offices and housing could actually build fewer spaces than expected, because its 2 types of users have very different uses:

  • Office users will use the parking lot during the day
  • Residents will use it more in the evenings and on weekends

Rather than building a defined number of spaces for offices and another defined number of spaces for residents, our solution makes it possible to build a smaller parking lot, where these two types of users will share the use of the parking lot.

As a result, parking users no longer have a personal nominative space, but a space in a parking lot that they share, and which generates additional income for them depending on the type of project.

2nd case

However, if the Local Urbanization Plan is inflexible, we can use vacant spaces to improve the parking occupancy rate by opening it to the neighborhood, which will generate additional income.

To respond to this, a discussion phase is initiated with the developer to clearly identify his needs and expectations, as well as to understand the project and the design of the parking.

Once the need for parking has been clearly expressed and the uses have been defined according to each stakeholder in the project, we estimate the occupation of the parking lot, and therefore the number of spaces to be built and/or the vacancy of the parking.

With this estimated occupation and vacancy, we therefore provide our mutualization study.

Finally, once this study is completed, we carry out the financial valuation of this project, making it possible to know the income that the parking will generate and how long it will take to make the investor's purchase profitable.

The parking is therefore optimized by BePark, thus avoiding being underused or oversized, to offer a real mobility service to its users.


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